18th of april 2024
Social Dialogue Within The Green Transition
Climate change impacts health, livelihoods, and quality of life. Mitigating and adapting to these changes is crucial, but brings challenges. Social acceptance is key, yet local opposition is common, especially regarding renewable energy projects. However, implementing these measures can result in intended and unintended consequences, emphasising the need for careful planning to ensure a fair and inclusive transition. The lack of social acceptance and misunderstandings surrounding local opposition to green transition initiatives pose significant challenges. Social acceptance typically involves market, policy, and community acceptance. The "not in my backyard" phenomenon concerning renewable energy infrastructure, such as wind turbines or waste-to-energy facilities, is well-documented, as communities are concerned about its impact on their quality of life. At Nordic Talks Korea 13 - Social Dialogue Within The Green Transition, we discussed these challenges from different countries' perspectives and delved into the importance of dialogue in achieving social and local acceptance within the green transition.