Benja Stig Fagerland

Associate Professor at USN School of Business; founder and author of SHEconomy

With a masters in Executive Management from BI, Benja Stig Fagerland has led on to become an award-winning international speaker, assistant professor and author.

Fagerland has more than 30 years of experience from a broad range of industries, such business, academia, IT, The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO), and publishing. She has held the role of Marketing Director, Gender Equality and Diversity Advisor, Senior Executive Manager, Associate Partner, and Board Member.

Through her work, Fagerland has received several international awards and recognitions, including by the EU agency EIGE as one of the ‘Women Inspiring Europe’ and the European Diversity Award ‘Highly Commended’, under the category ‘Campaigner of The Year’.

In Norway, she is best known for initiating the ‘Female Future’ Project for NHO which sets out to increase female participation in decision-making processes. The project has since inspired other organisations to take similar initiatives.