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Jaakko Kuosmanen

Adjunct Professor at University of Helsinki

Dr. Jaakko Kuosmanen is an associate of the Oxford Human Rights Hub, and he works as a Senior Advisor for Demos Helsinki think tank. Demos Helsinki is an independent non-profit organisation working with various governments and international organisations to improve their capabilities to tackle the challenges of the 21st Century. Jaakko received his PhD at the University of Edinburgh. He has lectured on human rights law, global justice, institutionalism, and just war theory, and he has worked for the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe. Jaakko's current research focuses on the design of long-term oriented governing institutions and on the link between human rights and public finance. He has also recently worked in developing countries around the world assisting the establishment of innovation labs the function of which is to facilitate the realisation of SDGs.