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Eun Kyong Hwang

Director of the Aquatic Plant Variety Center, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Korea

Eun Kyoung Hwang is the director of the Aquatic Plant Variety Center, National Institute of Fisheries Science, Korea. She received a PhD degree at Pukyong National University, Busan, Korea. She worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Marine Lab., Queen’s University of Belfast, UK. She is currently involved in researches on seaweed cultivation, breeding, and protection of aquatic plant varieties. Works mainly include; Ecological & aquacultural aspects of seaweeds, mass production of brown alga (Sargassum, Ecklonia, Undariopsis and Silvetia) and green alga (Codium, Capsosiphone and Ulva), hybridization of kelp species for strain improvement and elongation of culture period, and strain improvement of Saccharina.